Clone Workflow Templates
Katie Knight
When building Workflow templates many items are the same, but I currently have to start from scratch each time - it'd be great if I could clone a Workflow Template and then just modify the necessary area.
Michael Podean
Merged in a post:
Clone workflow
Debbie Wray
We have a workflow with a lot of tasks that is slightly different for internal versus external bookings. It would be great to be able to clone the first workflow so we can edit from there rather than building a new one from scratch.
Michael Podean
Merged in a post:
Clone Workflows
Mats Jansen Heien
We would like to have the ability to clone workflows, as well as being able to clone workflows between properties in a chain. When there are multiple properties in a chain that needs to use the same steps, cloning workflows would be much simpler than having to re-create the workflow for many different properties.