Improve how incoming emails are synced
Meilani Villamor
Increase the frequency in which emails get checked, and also show the emails immediately. currently ET only initiates a sync with the following triggers:
-Going to a Contact Summary page that has an email thread
-Going to a Booking Summary page that has an email
-Going to the Mail heading in the left-hand sidebar (no need to click refresh)
Any of the above actions will send a trigger once in a 15-minute period. If you visit those pages multiple times in a 15-minute period we don’t sync multiple times. The sync also runs in the background so you don't actually see the change unless you navigate away and visit back to the tab.
Created by Katie Knight
Katie Knight
We have released a change to reduce the time to synchronize Gmail email messages now up to 5-10 minutes (previously it could be up to 45 minutes in some cases).
Stay tuned for more improvements on emails that our team are working hard on!