Save view on sub-tabs
Katie Knight
I would like to customize the columns for Tasks, Menu Items & other sub-tabs in each booking and for that customization to be saved.
I can do this on the relevant pages (Eg Task List / Event List) but then I can't select the saved view from the task sub-tab.
It'd be great to be able to set a default saved view, which then applies to all bookings, or even the ability to select the different saved views.
Katie Knight
Katie Knight
under review
Katie Knight
Hello everyone! We're excited to announce that the Column selection is now saved for the Organization under the Menu Item sub-tab! We'll keep this request open as we continue to make further improvements.
Event Temple
under review
Katie Knight
Merged in a post:
Remember Reordered Menu Item Columns in Booking Summary
Manon Le Bris-Vergain
At the moment you can make changes to the Columns in the Menu Items tab on a Booking, but I need to do this each time I go into a Booking. We would love it if the Column order would save so that we do not have to change it manually each time to the Columns we would like to see.
Katie Knight
Merged in a post:
Add Saved Views to Bookings List within Contact Record
Sarah Mosher
Some of our contacts have numerous bookings that are eventually archived. We would like to be able to save views for the list of bookings in the Contact record so that we don't have to filter out the archived bookings every time we look at them
Els Groenestein
Katie Knight
As part of a recent release, changes to the columns on the Events list within the Booking Summary page, are now saved per user, rather than Organization.
We will continue to update you as further enhancements are made around sub-tabs within Bookings.
Melissa Lopez Toro
Merged in a post:
Customize Columns Permantley
Krystle Pantall
I would like the ability to save column settings under the Menu Items tab.
For example, I do not use packages, so I would like to eliminate this column and have it save for all booking rather than having to filter each time.
Katie Knight
Merged in a post:
Save Column selection for Sub-menus
Miriam Hauke
We would love the ability to save our preferred columns selection to view the menu items list
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