See page breaks when Editing Documents
Katie Knight
When editing a document, there should be a "page break" indication of where the Document will create a new page when it is downloaded as a PDF.
Currently you cannot see this until you download the document. If this isn't checked, page breaks can occur mid-sentence / or between a heading and main text making it look messy and unprofessional.
Having to add manual page breaks is too time consuming to do regularly and won't always work depending on the information in each manual page break.
For each page break, it should also show a page number, so when printing at a later stage we can ensure we have not missed any pages. EG Page 1 of 3
David Perry
This feature has been completed. You can read about it here:
Katie Knight
More improvements have been released on this feature! Read all about it here!
Katie Knight
in progress
Users now have the ability to Prevent Document Elements from splitting over pages. Read all about it here
We aren't done yet - We'll continue to update you as the next exciting part of this feature is released.
Katie Knight
Katie Knight
under review