I would like the ability to further customize the Menu Item element within Documents. Being able to change the fonts (bold/italic, highlight things). Also being able to change the alignment and layout to make it look better, especially for when I have a large number of Items. *Add additional customizations (font size/bold/italic/highlight) *Ability to Customize each heading & component individually *Change spacing so it isn't so bunched together *Customize alignment *Ability to show/hide different components of headers *ability to move the description to another column so it’s not shown underneath the item *Ability to change header padding (see image, where above element is further in, Menu Item element is 'grouped by event' -> padding on Menu Item element is 100 padding, but header for Event Name for Menu Item Element doesn't move *Ability to move "Summary Options" to make them inline with other amounts *Make the line between each item darker *Option to show Event Type in header when Grouping By Event