We have made some exciting changes to the way custom saved views & reports work.
Private & Shared
With this release, users can now save as
or for
Private views are only visible to the user who created them. If shared with Everyone, it can be viewed by anyone in the Organization.
The owner of the view can edit that view. Other people can pin that view but they won't be able to modify it. By default, a new shared view will
automatically be In Use by all users. Each user can select which Views to Pin as described above.
Admins of Single Property Organizations have permission to delete any view in the system.
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Pinned Views
Previous to this change, all views created within an Organization would automatically show on the sidebar for everyone else. Going forward, users can unpin or pin any view they would like to see.
To pin a view
  1. Click the
    cog icon
    on the right of the views bar
  2. Click
    on the relevant view
To unpin a view
Hover on that view and
click unpin
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Multi-Property Organizations
For multi-property Organizations, shared views are now chain level. This means creating a view shared with Everyone will make it available to view by all users, across all Organizations.
Views created prior to this release will default to be shared with everyone. The owner of the View can change it to private if necessary, otherwise, anyone within any Organization will see it. If another user's view is not needed for yourself, you can unpin it as described above.
Pinned & Unpinned views are for all organizations. Therefore if you have access to multiple Organizations and unpin a view, it will not appear in any other organizations & vise versa for Pinned views.
Chain Admins have permission to delete any view in the system, regardless of the owner.
Changes to the columns on the Events list within the Booking Summary page, are now saved per user, rather than Organization.
Due to these updates and shared views, some Lists may now appear in a different order. To re-order your various Views, use the icon to click/drag into the order required
For more information on Reports, click here!