Conversion Report
Katie Knight
As a sales person or manager, it's important to easily track the number of bookings that have been converted without having to view multiple pages/reports. Conversion is often used as a KPI so needs to be readily available.
Measured by number of definite bookings divided by total number of inquiries
*Ability to see conversion on different levels - individual / different pipelines / organization /chain
*Ability to base conversion on booking status as well as pipeline status
*Ability to see conversion for multiple time periods
*Visual chart/graph as well as numbers
Katie Knight
Merged in a post:
Reports for conversion rates, Quantity Tracking for vendors
Anne Springs Close Greenway
To inquire aspects such as in our case: (inquires vs booked). We also manually input people who are receiving our catering vs if they go to another caterer is there a way to see this conversion rate? We have a vendor list but the client may choose a photographer we may not know who we would find out other than asking what vendor is being used. Would there be a process that needs to be set up in Event Temple?
Joseph Mercanti
KPI metrics on various sales data is important. Any data to provide inside into how the sales team is performing is crucial. Will add further detail later.